Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Update from Elizabeth

Today was a great day! Our two teams (HIV education with the students and Teacher's Training with the adults) worked at Kalanga Basic School in the morning and Pamodzi Girls' School in the afternoon.

The morning sessions finally went exactly as planned. For Zambia, that was an absolute miracle!!!! I wasn't personally in the student sessions, but from the video footage I saw tonight, it seemed like the students absolutely loved it. The HIV education team sang, performed "sketches" (in which "Austina" was introduced!), shared testimonies, and broke into small groups. The afternoon did NOT go as planned, and the students kept getting switched around, so the team worked again with only the STS club girls. Hopefully, tomorrow, they will have the entire school for an assembly. Please pray for that! The teacher's training sessions were also great, and the teachers were very responsive to Duane's seminar! They participated and asked great questions.

After all of this, we crashed when we finally got home - literally. The house was full of sleeping bodies. Casie orchestrated an amazing dinner, and the team that helped definitely deserves honorable mention (Megan, Adam, Angie, Jesse, Dan). We had beef goulash of sorts, garlic-herb mashed potatoes and green beans! Pretty good for a two-burner hot plate, eh??? :) Good job, guys! We finished the night with an impromptu community worship session, singing tons of songs. It was a really neat time of just being together, praising the Lord. I find those times really refreshing to my soul, and I find that it serves to unite and bring our group even closer together after long days.

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