Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Update from Angie

Murundu Basic School: We started it off with a dance party—which means we danced and the Zambian kids laughed/gaped in horror at our lack of rhythm. While Austin gave his “waiting for marriage” talk, Max and I took the fifty thousand 1st through 5th graders away to try and minimize distraction. The wee girls and I played some half hearted rounds of “sheep sheep come on,” but luckily Casey saved the day and tired them out with the most physically strenuous “follow the leader” I’ve ever witnessed. I told them about Jonah, and eventually about Jesus and how he reached out to the untouchables. When I asked them if it was okay to point and laugh at someone with HIV they answered “yes, unless they’re bleeding”—hopefully I changed their little minds about that.We (the illegally over full van of people) ate PB&J on the road and rested until we arrived at Chibote Girls High School…where the ever dreaded and shameful dance competition was to be held. Jesse made us proud though and brought the Mazungus up to second place. After Austin gave his talk again and as we were getting up to ship off the planned small group, Henry got up and gave a really powerful message. He invited the girls to prayer and relatively everyone came up to be prayed for. The requests ranged from “I need prayer for exams” to “I’m pregnant.” The girls were really open and trusting and I think everyone on the team was given the opportunity to hear a little bit of the reality these girls are struggling with. It just went really well.



PS from Dan ~ We are going to be spending a lot of tommorrow (Thursday) talking about sin and redemption and there will be a lot of ministry time in the schools. So please pray for the Spirit of G'd to be on the team to preach the GOOD news. And that the Lord would minister through prayer and reconciliation. Thank you for your prayers!

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