Monday, July 27, 2009

7/27/09 from Reuben

We began the day bright and early at the saw mill to pick up the load of timber for furniture for the new clinic in Murundu (Grace's Place). After that we returned to town for painting supplies and were off in a taxi to Murundu. I was dropped off at Joseph's house for work on Moringa while Joel, Jake, Alden, Mike, Liam and Rebecca when to the clinic to paint and clean.

The Moringa project is progressing steadily. Myself and many of Joseph's sons worked on the planting bags most of the day. At day's end our count was 500 plus. Our current space will allow for approximately 1500 planting bags in the shade house. I ended my planting efforts a little sooner than expected today when the HIV ed team stopped by Joseph's house in Murundu around 1500. Three muzoongos (forgive the misspelling, its the local term for white people), me, Jami and Matt and four Zambians, Pastor Terry, Martinz, Carmelitar and Rebecca took a trip to the Congo border for some shopping.

We hope to start the intensive cultivation portion of the Moringa project tomorrow and continue to fill planting bags until the shade house is full. Our timber is secured in the hallway of Dr.Thinus's house as we all turn in for some well earned rest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise God for 'farmers' and carpenters, workers with gifted hands! This is an exciting project! Thank you for giving of yourselves! May God bless you all and this project richly! The Burke family